The Manny B. Group

St. Croix Casino
Turtle Lake, WI
April 23-24, 2010

Manny B.

Donnie Watts
Papa Phil
Brett Brandon

Soundman, Al, joins in with a little trumpet playing.
Tina takes to the floor and wows the crowd...
...and finds some good sports!

Soon-to-be groom, Russell (in the black shirt), and his friends celebrate his upcoming wedding.
Good luck to Russell and his bride-to-be.

Flat Gavin
(he travels the globe with Grandma Marj...
first time to see Manny B.)

Thank you, St. Croix Casino, for having us back. We hope to return in the near future
and entertain you and your patrons again. A huge thank you also goes out to soundemen Steve and Al.
You guys rock...and make us sound great too! We had a blast!
Manny B., Donnie Watts, Papa Phil and Brett Brandon

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Manny B. 2010
Posted May 2010